Before |
After (but before I planted it) |
Stripping the Sod |
I left off way back in February with a plan for the herb garden/fire pit. Well...it's done! It went pretty fast...too fast...too easy...I'm waiting for something to go wrong. Like the one hundred pound basalt rocks to come sliding off the hill, or all of the new plants to get dug up and tossed around the yard in a midnight raccoon grub raid. All indicators are pointing to success though. With any luck I will be reclining in an Adirondack chair surrounded by a blooming hedge of edible herbs by mid-July.
Digging the Steps |
Of course that takes a little imagination right now. I always forget how bleak new landscaping looks right after you finish the project. It looks out of place, like someone took a weapon to the old plot, scraped, hacked and tore up the offending turf, and then slapped down some foreign materials of rock, soil and scrawny plants to fill in the scar. A bit like an invading army setting up camp in a hard-won battle field. It doesn't quite look permanent or particularly as victorious as you imagined, because, like everything with gardening, it takes time.
Proof of Life (for my father-in-law) |
Two more eggs today! |
Speaking of time, it has taken seven years and 10 chickens, but I have finally witnessed a chicken that I own lay an egg! My sad track record of unwanted roosters, vanishing chicks, hungry coyotes, villainous raccoons, and mysterious deaths is finally at an end. THE HARRIS FAMILY HAS A CHICKEN EGG! Yes, we have only had the chickens two days. Sure, they could be dead tomorrow. Yes, my five year old is so jaded that he said, "Let's not give these ones names".Yes, I cheated and procured two hens that have verifiably laid eggs in the past. No, I don't care how pathetic I am. THERE IS AN EGG IN THE %^#&* CHICKEN COOP!
The treasured ovum was carried ceremoniously into the house by my daughter and immediately whipped into pasta carbonara before anything else could happen to it. It might be the best meal I ever ate. I hope those chickens like their new secure, wire-swathed fortress because they are NEVER getting out, and with the protection of zip ties, 10 guage and the Lord God Almighty, nothing is getting in either! Here's to an omelette by Saturday!
Luke Enjoying the Fire Pit |